
Spice Diana Opens Up About Estranged Relationship with Her Father

What you need to know:

  • She attributes her reluctance to reconcile partly to his lack of initiative in seeking reconciliation and partly to his abandonment in her childhood.
  • During an interview, she expressed her inability to reconcile with her father, stating that she does not consider him her “earthly God” due to his past actions.

Singer Spice Diana has revealed her ongoing estrangement from her biological father, who left her at a young age. Despite forgiving him, she admits to feeling no connection with him.

Diana, formerly known as Hajara Namukwaya, was raised by her mother, Beatrice Nantale, and stepfather Mansur Ntatwa, who gave her the Muslim name Hajara. Mansur later abandoned them, including his own children (Diana’s step-siblings).

Years later, when Diana found fame in music, her biological father attempted to reconnect with her, but she found it difficult to reignite the fatherly bond. Despite his efforts, she remains distant.

She recalls one instance where he attended her show, approached her on stage, and gave her money. Although she recognized him from her childhood, having last seen him when collecting school fees for her sister, their interaction remained brief.

Despite sporadic attempts at communication, including visits during her illness, Diana acknowledges no real connection with her father. She attributes her reluctance to reconcile partly to his lack of initiative in seeking reconciliation and partly to his abandonment in her childhood.

Despite this personal struggle, Diana remains actively involved in philanthropy, particularly supporting women and disabled children through various charities.

During an interview, she expressed her inability to reconcile with her father, stating that she does not consider him her “earthly God” due to his past actions

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