
Upholding Integrity: Chief Justice Dollo’s Call to Combat Corruption in Uganda’s Judiciary

Chief Justice Aliphonse Owiny Dollo addressing Judicial officers at Hotel Africana

What you need to know:

  • Chief Justice Alphonse Owiny Dollo, addressing judicial officers at Hotel Africana during the Annual General Meeting and election of new leaders for the Uganda Judicial Officers Association (UJOA), emphasized the criticality of maintaining integrity within the judiciary.
  • In conclusion, Chief Justice Dollo and Chief Registrar Langa underscored the importance of integrity, unity, and accountability in advancing the judiciary’s mission and serving justice equitably.

Chief Justice Alphonse Owiny Dollo Urges Integrity Amidst Corruption

Chief Justice Alphonse Owiny Dollo, addressing judicial officers at Hotel Africana during the Annual General Meeting and election of new leaders for the Uganda Judicial Officers Association (UJOA), emphasized the criticality of maintaining integrity within the judiciary. He asserted his readiness to forgive any transgression except the “cancerous vice” of corruption, which he deemed detrimental to justice seekers.

In his impassioned speech, Chief Justice Dollo likened corruption to denying medical treatment to a sick child, highlighting its profound impact on justice delivery. He sternly warned against compromising integrity, stating unequivocally that corruption undermines the essence of being a judicial officer.

Acknowledging complaints about judicial misconduct, Chief Justice Dollo affirmed his commitment to address such issues decisively, urging officers to uphold their role with diligence and probity. He underscored the imperative of fostering integrity, combating incompetence, and enhancing accountability to restore public trust in the judiciary.

Furthermore, Chief Justice Dollo disclosed plans to establish regional Inspectorate Offices to bolster oversight and accountability. He advocated for strengthening disciplinary mechanisms to address misconduct promptly and ensure the judiciary’s effectiveness.

Chief Registrar Sarah Langa Siu echoed the call for gratitude towards Chief Justice Dollo’s efforts in advancing the judiciary’s welfare and urged unity among UJOA members. She emphasized the need for a deployment policy and addressed logistical challenges, signaling initiatives to improve working conditions for judicial officers.

In conclusion, Chief Justice Dollo and Chief Registrar Langa underscored the importance of integrity, unity, and accountability in advancing the judiciary’s mission and serving justice equitably.

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