Nutrition and Health

Global Health at Risk: Climate Chaos, Conflict, and COVID Challenges

What you need to know:

  • He stressed that “health is a casualty of war,” with millions in Sudan and Gaza at risk of dying from untreated injuries and diseases.
  • In Sudan, over a year of fighting has left nearly 15 million people in need of health assistance, with the majority of hospitals and primary care facilities non-functional.

Setting the Stage for Health Policy Amid Crises

The 77th World Health Assembly commenced with a sobering tone as delegates faced the daunting task of shaping health policies for the coming year. The assembly tackled numerous crises that threaten to reverse decades of progress in global well-being.

Addressing Global Health Threats

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, speaking via video link from New York, emphasized the dire state of global health. He highlighted challenges ranging from climate chaos and rising poverty to increasing inequalities and conflicts. Guterres noted that over 20 million children are missing routine vaccinations, and diseases like dengue are surging due to rising global temperatures. Additionally, cholera outbreaks have been reported in more than 20 countries this year. He stressed that “health is a casualty of war,” with millions in Sudan and Gaza at risk of dying from untreated injuries and diseases.

WHO’s Response to Climate and Health Challenges

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus echoed Guterres’ concerns, identifying climate change as the greatest health threat of our time. He outlined WHO’s efforts to support countries in building climate-resilient health systems, including electrifying health facilities with solar energy. Tedros also addressed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on routine immunization programs, which led to outbreaks of diseases such as measles, diphtheria, and polio. To combat this, WHO, in collaboration with UNICEF and Gavi, launched “The Big Catch Up” initiative to restore immunization programs to pre-pandemic levels.

Responding to Conflicts and Health Emergencies

WHO emergency medical teams are actively responding to health needs in 19 conflict zones worldwide, including Gaza. In Sudan, over a year of fighting has left nearly 15 million people in need of health assistance, with the majority of hospitals and primary care facilities non-functional. In Ukraine, WHO continues to support the health system amidst ongoing challenges, with an estimated 7.8 million people requiring health assistance this year. Tedros reported that WHO has verified more than 1,500 attacks on healthcare facilities in 19 countries, resulting in 749 deaths and over 1,200 injuries.

A Positive Outlook Amidst Challenges

Despite the challenges, Tedros expressed optimism about the future of global health. By 2025, an estimated 1.5 billion people are expected to enjoy better health and well-being due to collaborative efforts addressing the root causes of ill health, such as unclean air, unhealthy diets, and unsafe water. Notable achievements include a decline in tobacco use across 150 countries, improved nutrition and healthy diets, and significant progress in treating communicable diseases. For instance, over two million children in Ghana, Kenya, and Malawi have received the first malaria vaccine, leading to a 13% reduction in all-cause mortality among children. Additionally, early diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis, increased access to antiretroviral therapy for people living with HIV, and ongoing efforts to eradicate polio have saved millions of lives.

Challenges in Pandemic Preparedness

A significant disappointment for WHO is the inability to finalize a pandemic agreement for approval at this year’s assembly. Key unresolved issues include global sharing of vaccines and medicines during international health emergencies. Nevertheless, Tedros remains hopeful that an agreement will eventually be reached to enhance global safety and contain pandemic threats. “Where there is a will, there is a way, so I am still positive, despite the outcome,” he stated.

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