What you need to know:
- Describing Bebe Cool as a “faded artiste,” Biswanka challenged his relevance in today’s music scene and suggested that he lacks the moral high ground to critique other musicians.
- Asserting his affiliation with the trending generation, Biswanka confidently takes aim at the Gagamel boss, implying that Bebe Cool’s time in the limelight may have come to an end.
In a recent interview with Radio 4, Biswanka didn’t mince his words when discussing the renowned artist Bebe Cool. Describing Bebe Cool as a “faded artiste,” Biswanka challenged his relevance in today’s music scene and suggested that he lacks the moral high ground to critique other musicians.
Bebe Cool, boasting a career spanning over two decades and serving as a significant influence for numerous young artists, finds himself under scrutiny from Biswanka, who remains unconvinced of his current impact on the industry. Despite Bebe Cool’s legacy and past achievements, Biswanka boldly questions the extent of his contributions in the present music landscape.
Asserting his affiliation with the trending generation, Biswanka confidently takes aim at the Gagamel boss, implying that Bebe Cool’s time in the limelight may have come to an end.
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