
Cindy Revels in Reunion with Former Bandmates after a Decade Apart

What you need to know:

  • I am not saying this to diss anyone, but if I am singing and Jackie is singing along you don’t know how that feels to me.
  • The reunion with her former bandmates marks a significant turning point in Cindy’s career, as she looks forward to sharing the stage once again with “real talents.

Songstress Cindy Sanyu is celebrating the return of her former Blu 3 colleagues after a decade of being apart. Reuniting with the two ladies, Jacki Chandiru and Lillian Mbabazi, she says, is a breath of fresh air in her music career.

The celebrate girl group, Blu 3, crumbled in the early 2010s over a myriad of factors including personal misunderstandings. Efforts to get back together initially seemed futile, until last year when it finally materialized.

Currently, the ladies are back together; in studio and rehearsals, preparing for their reunion concert, which is slated for later this month.

“I am so excited to be on stage and hear a perfect voice on my left and on my right; it is a beautiful feeling,” Cindy said. “Working with a talented artist is a different ballgame; it makes my work easier.”

Cindy revealed that during her solo career, she had suffered a lot having to work with “untalented vocalists.” She expressed relief at being able to work with people with talent without having to patch and improvise.

Blu 3 are set of a reunion concert

“I suffered working with artists that are not talented,” she said. “You are singing and someone is just mimicking you. I am not saying this to diss anyone, but if I am singing and Jackie is singing along you don’t know how that feels to me.”

The reunion with her former bandmates marks a significant turning point in Cindy’s career, as she looks forward to sharing the stage once again with “real talents.”

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