
Comedian Dr. T-Amale Faces Bottle-Throwing Incident After Insulting Arsenal Fans

What you need to know:

  • The unsettling event unfolded during a show he was scheduled to perform at, where bottles were thrown at him and attendees shouted for him to leave, all because he had insulted Arsenal fans.
  • T-Amale in a distressing situation, highlighting the potential consequences of engaging in contentious banter with sports fans during performances.

Comedian Dr. T-Amale, whose real name is Tobby Innocent Kafeero, recently encountered a troubling incident while performing on stage. The unsettling event unfolded during a show he was scheduled to perform at, where bottles were thrown at him and attendees shouted for him to leave, all because he had insulted Arsenal fans.

The incident occurred during what was meant to be an evening of laughter and entertainment. However, Dr. T-Amale found himself in a hostile environment after directing harsh words towards Arsenal Football Club following their recent victory against Manchester United.

Upon taking the stage to begin his performance, Dr. T-Amale inquired if there were any Arsenal fans present in the audience. He proceeded to deliver scathing remarks directed at them, provoking a strong reaction from the crowd.

The audience responded by chanting “vaayo,” indicating their desire for Dr. T-Amale to exit the stage. The situation quickly escalated, with bottles being hurled towards him amidst the uproar.

This unexpected turn of events left Dr. T-Amale in a distressing situation, highlighting the potential consequences of engaging in contentious banter with sports fans during performances.

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