
Empowering Teachers to giveComprehensive Sexuality Education

What you need to know:

  • In a concerted effort to address the pressing issues of adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Uganda, a transformative initiative has been launched to empower educators with the skills and knowledge necessary to deliver comprehensive sexuality education.
  • Facilitated by experts in the field and leveraging UNESCO’s support, the workshop aimed not only to enhance the capacity of teacher trainers but also to pre-test a life skills and health education manual.

In a concerted effort to address the pressing issues of adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Uganda, a transformative initiative has been launched to empower educators with the skills and knowledge necessary to deliver comprehensive sexuality education. Spearheaded by UNESCO and supported by government agencies, this initiative marks a pivotal step towards ensuring universal access to vital information and services for Uganda’s youth.

Recently, sixty education actors, including pre-service teachers and tutors, gathered for a three-day participatory workshop held at the National Teachers’ College Mubende. Facilitated by experts in the field and leveraging UNESCO’s support, the workshop aimed not only to enhance the capacity of teacher trainers but also to pre-test a life skills and health education manual. This manual is poised to streamline and enrich the delivery of sexuality education within educational institutions across the nation.

Ms. Hellen Keller Akengo, a tutor at Soroti Core Primary Teachers’ College, exemplified the transformative impact of the workshop. Initially harboring reservations about discussing sexuality education, Ms. Akengo’s perspective shifted as she gained pedagogical insights and recognized the immense benefits of imparting crucial life skills information to learners. Her journey from skepticism to advocacy underscores the profound impact of equipping educators with the necessary tools and knowledge.

Uganda, with over 77% of its population under the age of 25, faces significant challenges in adolescent sexual and reproductive health. Alarmingly, one in four girls aged 15-19 is either pregnant or has given birth, reflecting the urgent need for comprehensive sexuality education. The lack of access to information and services has perpetuated these challenges, resulting in adverse outcomes such as increased school drop-out rates among girls and heightened HIV transmission rates among adolescents.

Despite commendable efforts, including the launch of the National Sexuality Education Framework (NSEF) in 2018, implementation has encountered hurdles stemming from uncoordinated initiatives. Thus, a systematic approach is imperative to ensure universal access to sexuality education for all eligible learners. Central to this approach is the capacity-building of tutors and teachers, both pre-service and in-service, in life-skills-based sexuality education, thereby enhancing their pedagogical skills and efficacy in delivering crucial messages to learners.

The workshop addressed a myriad of topics outlined in the NSEF, encompassing sexuality and human development, relationships, sexual health, and rights. Participants engaged in discussions on key issues such as sexually transmitted infections (STIs), sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) referral pathways, menstrual health and hygiene, and pregnancy prevention. Notably, the workshop emphasized the importance of abstinence while providing comprehensive information on other contraceptive methods.

Fostering Sustainable Implementation Strategies

Crucially, the culmination of the workshop saw teacher educators devising action plans to enhance the delivery of sexuality education at their respective institutions. These action plans signify a commitment to sustainability and effectiveness, ensuring that the benefits of the program extend far beyond the confines of the workshop.

Teddy Chimulwa, Education for Health and Wellbeing Programme Officer, reiterated the inseparable link between health and education, emphasizing the government’s prioritization of health and wellbeing. UNESCO’s unwavering commitment to a system-strengthening approach underscores its dedication to holistic support for education and wellbeing initiatives.

In essence, the workshop represents a significant stride towards fostering healthier futures for Uganda’s youth. By equipping educators with the tools and knowledge to deliver comprehensive sexuality education, this initiative not only addresses immediate challenges but also lays the foundation for long-term positive outcomes. As Ms. Akengo and her fellow participants exemplify, the journey from skepticism to advocacy is emblematic of the transformative power of education in effecting meaningful change.

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