
EU’s Tourism Industry Employs 11.3 Million People

What you need to know:

  • 6% of employees in the tourism industry in 2023, a significantly higher proportion than in the overall economy, where women accounted for 36.
  • The EU’s tourism industry also attracted a slightly higher proportion of younger workers, with 11% of employees aged 15-24, compared to 9% in the overall economy.

The EU’s tourism industry employed 11.3 million people in 2021, with 6.8 million working in food and beverage, 2.1 million in accommodation, 1.8 million in transport, and 0.4 million in travel agencies and tour operators.

Women Dominate Tourism Labor Force

Women made up 57.6% of employees in the tourism industry in 2023, a significantly higher proportion than in the overall economy, where women accounted for 36.4% of employees.

Part-time Employment Higher in Tourism

Part-time employment was more prevalent in the tourism industry, with 21.3% of employees working part-time, compared to 15.2% in the overall economy.

Younger Workers Attracted to Tourism

The EU’s tourism industry also attracted a slightly higher proportion of younger workers, with 11% of employees aged 15-24, compared to 9% in the overall economy.

Foreign Citizens Contribute to Tourism Labor Force

Foreign citizens accounted for 15.9% of the tourism labor force, with 7% from other EU countries and 9% from non-EU countries, a higher proportion than in the overall economy.

Temporary Contracts More Common in EU’sTourism

Temporary contracts were more common in the tourism industry, with 20.8% of employees on temporary contracts, compared to 12% in the overall economy.

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