
Challenges and Solutions: Addressing Case Backlog in Lira High Court

What you need to know:

  • Gaswaga cited his current absence from the court, attributed to his involvement in the trial of Thomas Kwoyelo at the Gulu High Court, but assured his return to address the backlog.
  • During the Court Open Day, local leaders and residents appealed to the judiciary for the urgent appointment of another resident judge to address the backlog, given that the Lira High Court Circuit serves a population exceeding 2 million people, with only one resident judge, a deputy registrar, 3 chief magistrates, and 13 Grade one magistrates.

2,856 cases remain pending in the Lira High Court, with 554 pertaining to land, 962 to civil matters, 121 to family disputes, and 1,219 to criminal proceedings.

During the Lira High Court Open Day, Justice Duncan Gaswaga, the Resident Judge, disclosed that out of these cases, 2,856 are under his jurisdiction, while 244 are overseen by the Deputy Magistrate. Gaswaga cited his current absence from the court, attributed to his involvement in the trial of Thomas Kwoyelo at the Gulu High Court, but assured his return to address the backlog.

Godfrey Kawesa, the Deputy Registrar, identified factors such as staffing shortages and inadequate transportation for magistrates as contributors to the case backlog.

RCM Okello Orik, the LCV Chairperson of Lira, suggested that the court conduct visits to disputed land sites to expedite resolutions.

Lawrence Egole, the Resident City Commissioner of Lira, advocated for empowering clan leaders to handle land disputes, which he believes would alleviate the burden on the court system.

During the Court Open Day, local leaders and residents appealed to the judiciary for the urgent appointment of another resident judge to address the backlog, given that the Lira High Court Circuit serves a population exceeding 2 million people, with only one resident judge, a deputy registrar, 3 chief magistrates, and 13 Grade one magistrates.

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