
Promoter Clarifies AgaNaga-Fik Gaza Feud

What you need to know:

  • Following the incident, Fik Gaza lodged a complaint at Nansana Police Station and engaged in media campaigns against AgaNaga.
  • The underlying cause of the conflict was a misunderstanding regarding payment, with AgaNaga claiming to have compensated Fik Gaza directly, contrary to the actual arrangement.

The ongoing feud between singers Kalifah AgaNaga and Fik Gaza has captured attention for over a month, marked by subtle jabs and accusations. AgaNaga, head of Bad Character Records, claimed Fik Gaza failed to show up for a Nansana show despite being booked and paid in full. Fik Gaza allegedly demanded additional payment at the last minute, leading to a dispute.

Following the incident, Fik Gaza lodged a complaint at Nansana Police Station and engaged in media campaigns against AgaNaga. The verbal sparring intensified, culminating in a near-violent altercation last week when Fik Gaza and his crew allegedly assaulted AgaNaga.

Promoter Kim Hanx, who organized the show, intervened to clarify the situation. He revealed providing AgaNaga with funds to pay Fik Gaza, but AgaNaga attempted to withhold a significant portion. Although the case was reported, it was later withdrawn to maintain peace between the artists.


Despite attempts to resolve the issue, AgaNaga persisted in online attacks against Fik Gaza, leading to further tensions. The underlying cause of the conflict was a misunderstanding regarding payment, with AgaNaga claiming to have compensated Fik Gaza directly, contrary to the actual arrangement.

Ultimately, the feud escalated beyond verbal exchanges, prompting physical violence and public backlash. The intervention of Promoter Kim Hanx shed light on the dispute’s origin, emphasizing the importance of communication and conflict resolution in the music industry.

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