
Speaker Among Directs Police to Summon MPs Through Her Amidst Controversial Arrests and Oversight Disputes

What you need to know:

  • In another matter, the Speaker condemned the Police for using teargas on MPs during an oversight visit to the Lubigi wetland area, where the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) was evicting illegal occupants.
  • The Speaker directed the Committee on Statutory Authorities and State Enterprises (Cosase) to meet with NEMA officials and present a report to the House.

The Speaker, Anita Among, has instructed the Police to summon Members of Parliament under investigation through her office.

This directive was issued during the plenary session on Wednesday, June 12, 2024.

Among acknowledged that some MPs are currently under arrest and investigation. “These investigations are part of the evidence-gathering process. Just as we believe in evidence-based legislation, we support evidence-based prosecution,” she stated.

However, she criticized the manner in which Busiki County MP, Paul Akamba, was re-arrested outside the Anti-Corruption Court on Friday, June 14, 2024.

“This must be done within the confines of the law at all times and stages. I have directed the police to summon MPs through me,” she emphasized.

Among informed the House that Parliament will receive a report on the investigations, particularly concerning the brutal arrest of the MPs.

The Leader of the Opposition, Joel Ssenyonyi, stressed the importance of police and investigative bodies upholding the rule of law during arrests.

“We are pleased to see progress in the fight against corruption. It’s been five days since Paul Akamba was arrested, yet the police and his lawyers do not know his whereabouts,” Ssenyonyi said.

Akamba was arrested alongside Bunyole East MP, Yusuf Mutembuli, and Lwengo District Woman MP, Hon. Cissy Namujju, on alleged corruption charges and have since been charged in court.

In another matter, the Speaker condemned the Police for using teargas on MPs during an oversight visit to the Lubigi wetland area, where the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) was evicting illegal occupants.

“The Leader of the Opposition was performing his oversight duty on Hoima Road when his team was tear-gassed. It was unnecessary,” Among remarked.

Among noted that while Parliament does not have the authority to interfere with the independent functions of other bodies, those bodies must perform their duties properly.

“It’s problematic for someone to set up a structure in a wetland under your watch, only for you to demolish it later,” she emphasized.

Ssenyonyi questioned why the police used teargas on them when he had been invited by the locals to meet them.

“I was on a fact-finding mission to listen to the people; I had no intention of telling NEMA to stop,” he said.

He challenged the government to explain why it was applying double standards and selectively demolishing structures.

“Police stations and fuel stations in the demolition area were spared,” Ssenyonyi added.

The Speaker directed the Committee on Statutory Authorities and State Enterprises (Cosase) to meet with NEMA officials and present a report to the House.

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